
GB7CIP Amateur Radio International Gateway.

Mail forwarding over AX25, NetRom, IP and SMTP  via HF PACTOR over
Amateur Radio Short Wave bands, VHF, UHF, amprnet wireless and internet links.

G4APL MaintainedUK AX25 BBS Listings 
G4APL MaintainedGB7CIP Forwarding (pdf)

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QRZ callsign lookup:

Kenwood TS2000e NOTES

Configuring the TS2000e Sub Receiver Internal TNC for Packet Radio on VHF UHF
(or those with soundcard packet radio Interfaces with Kenwood or other makes of radios)

Paul G4APL having used a Kenwood THD7e Internal TNC on Packet Radio 2metre 1200bd and 70cm 1200bd/9600bd bands for many years.

In the hope of encouraging more Packet Radio activity locally in the London and Home Counties. The following has been prepared to assist you.
Hopefully you are in range of a local Radio Network node.
GB7CIP MB7NCR is located in Locator Square IO91WH.

UK 2Metre 12.5kHz FM Narrow Packet frequencies from November 2014
144.800 MHz 1200bd aprs                                       Unconnected Packet
144.925 MHz 1200bd TCP/IP access                       Connected Packet
144.9375MHZ 1200bd AX25/BBS/DX cluster access Connected Packet
144.950 MHz 1200bd BBS access                           Connected Packet

It was time to detail how to configure a Kenwood TS2000e internal TNC.
To be able to connect to Amateur Packet Radio node access points on the 2 Metre and 70cm Amateur Radio bands.

Like the Kenwood THD7e Built in TNC, this has a limited parameter range and buffer size. All to be taken into consideration.

The 2 Metre and 70cm node access points in the Caterham On The Hill Surrey area support
(May 2022 G4APL made some temporary changes to aerial beam headings in the
attempt to encourage more activity following a request from a packeteer in
North West London and the Chilterns)

AX25 (Amateur X25) and TCPIP routing                                                         Bandwidth
MB7NCR-2 CATHAM  1200baud 144.9375MHz Vertical co-linear                        FMN  (Narrow)
GB7CIP-9   CRNODE  9600baud 432.625MHz  Horizontal Beam  295 degrees     FM (Wide)
GB7CIP-7   CRNODE  1200baud 432.675MHz  Vertical co-linear                         FM (Wide)
GB7CIP-8   CRNODE  1200baud 433.625MHz  Vertical Beam      295 degrees     FM (Wide)   
GB7CIP-10 CRNODE  9600baud 439.950MHz  Horizontal Beam   305 degrees     FM (Wide)

Packet Radio Program

You will require a Packet Terminal program that sends and receives data from the Internal TNC (Terminal Network Controller)

NcWinPtc is a terminal program for the SCS controllers PK232 and PK900 (with all files)
Paul has also used this to drive his TS2000e TNC Sub receiver via the 9600bd serial interface
for 1200bd and 9600bd FM Packet.
Paul also confirmed that Alpha4 Packet interface drives the TS2000e Internal TNC via the serial port interface configured for 9600bd and RF at 1200bd and 9600bd.
Connecting to GB7CIP 70cm Interfaces using Windows7.
Not able to fully test under Windows10. Will leave that to the 'readers' to try out and report back.
Understand the Alpha4 program loads up under Windows10.
Have not had further feedback yet once it has been configured and connected to the GB7CIP Gateway nodes..

Paul G4APL Prefers a PaKet program written by Tony VK2DHU to run under MSDOS and has been run under Windows 3.1, 3.11, Win98, Win2000, WinXP, WIn7Pro, Win8.1, Win10 and Ubuntu Linux.

PaKet6.2  Has Help via the F1 Key and comes with a 200 page manual access via he F1 ATL/F1 help keys
Of course you will need a PC or Laptop Suitable RS232 Serial 9pin (D9) female cable TS2000 end, the other end 9pin Female connects to the PC.

If the PC does not have a serial Interface, a USB to Serial cable adaptor is required. Both are used at G4APL.
Listen around the 2metre and 70cm Packet Radio frequencies until you hear some
tones (1200baud) or bursts of white noise opening the squelch (9600Baud). 

Set your Squelch level so that is it just set and opens on the weakest radio signal.
Also ensure that you have the receiver RF gain is set to maximum and PREamp enable.

If trying to connect to GB7CIP or MB7NCR. Contact Paul G4APL so that signal path test can be carried out using FM Voice.

In the example below we will configure the Kenwood TS2000e to access the 70cm Node Access Point using 9600baud radio link, and the SUB Band Radio.

Remember to set your Squelch level, so that the weakest received signal opens the Squelch.
If the squelch is open the transmitter will not transmit, as it thinks the frequency is Busy.

Connect serial cable to the Kenwood TS2000e and Laptop Serial Com port 1,2,3 or 4.

Download and Unzip the Paket 6.2 zip file. Look for the readme file.
Install as a TNC2 configuration Serial port speed we will use 9600baud 8 N 1 (8 bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit) just happens to be the default settings used by the Kenwood TS2000e

Paul has also looked at NuPacket version Windows Packet program written by WD6NF, which looks very useful.

Configuring the Kenwood TS2000e Internal TNC
Using the Menu
56  TS2000e Serial Port Set to 9600bd          (Paket62 Maximum serial port speed)
55   Packet Operation +/- select ON               PKT will appear in top left
46  Select SUB =/- Select SUB Built In TNC.  TNC will appear in top left
47  Select 1200bd using =/-  1200bd or 9600bd (Radio transmission baud rate)
48  Select TNC BAND DCD Sense  using +/-
Set the FM Bandwidth for the 2metres Narrow   FUNC+AM/FM until FMN appears in SubBand display
Set the FM Bandwidth for the 70Cms   Wide     FUNC+AM/FM until FM   appears in SubBand display

Check from the Frequency baud rate listed above.
Set the required baud rate speed for the primary GB7CIP Interface you want to connect to.
Set at run time with the HB 1200 or HB 9600 via PaKeT62 software.

Select Menu 55 (Packet Operation) Select ON. PKT appears in the top right hand corner of the display SUB Receiver)

Make sure the SUB Band receiver squelch is set just so that there is no receiver noise.

Now start up PaKet6.2 Packet Software Select ALT/Z and select Serial port configuration

Set them to display the following
Serial port COM1,2,3 or 4 (check which port you are using possible 2 if you have a mouse in com1)
Speed 9600bd (speed between the PC and Kenwood TS2000
Stop Bit 1 Parity N(one)
Flow Control Hardware

Reconfiguring the COM Port when using a USB/Serial Adaptor

If you do not have COM1,2,3 or 4 showing up on your modern PC, Laptop. If using Windows
you will need to go in to Hardware Manager.

With your USB/Serial adaptor connected
Select My Computer/Properties/Hardware

Device Manager
Universal Serial Bus Controllers
Select you USB/Serial device
Select Properties
and change the comport
to 1,2,3 or 4 which ever is listed as free.
Apply Changes, Save

Leave the PaKet 6.2 menu
the program with RESTART the TNC

Now we need to configure the Internal TNC using PaKet 6.2
Enter CTRL/C (press the Control + C) to enter command mode (K to enter Converse mode)
Enter the following commands
DISP will list all the commands there should be no corruption in the display

MYCALL Enter you callsign

MO ON Monitor ON   (IMPORTANT FOR Packet Cluster Tune Section) Set this ON

MCOM ON allows you to see all Packet data on the screen - Some should be in clear test

PACLEN 255 Very important as the TNC buffer is not large (or 128 if any issues)

FRACK 6 Set to 6 seconds (to get started)

FLOW ON Hardware flow control ON

ECHO OFF PaKet 6.2 is a spilt screen terminal program

MAXFRAME 1 Very important as the TNC buffer is not large

You can also change the RF Baud Rate to either 1200bd or 9600bd
using TNC command NB 1200 or NB 9600 saves going back to the TS2000 menu

Now hopefully you will be seeing packet data on the screen from the local Node Access Point.

Beacons are transmitted between 10 and 15 minutes depending on frequency being monitored.

If you are in the London and Surrey Area you may be able to see and connect to
or use the aliases CRNODE CATHAM depending on frequency and speed selected. 
The BBS Callsign is GB7CIP.
Refer to the list of GB7CIP/MB7NCR frequencies above.

Enter CRTL + C to enter command mode

e.g. C GB7CIP-9 and you should see connected

Configuring Kenwood TS2000e Packet Cluster Tune to automatically received DX Cluster Spots
and Tune the transceiver to the DX frequency.

The GB7CIP system can be configured to re Broadcast DX Clusters spots on 432.675MHz 1200bd
or 439.950MHz 9600bd that can be read by the following Kenwood transceivers. Contact Paul G4APL SysOP if not running)

Kenwood TS2000e THD7e THD72e TD7000  TMD710A/E and other systems, programs that monitor.

How to configure the Kenwood TS2000e for DX Cluster Receiver using the built in Packet TNC (Terminal Node Controller)
Switch on Sub Band Receiver (if not already enabled)
Press SUB, orange LED on
Press CTRL so that the CTRL is displayed in the Top Left
Sub Receiver use +/- to select required Band 2m/70cm 
e.g. 432.675MHZ or 439.950MHz  for DX cluster spots relayed via GB7CIP.  
Contact Paul G4APL SysOP if it is not running for your use.

Select MENU
55   Packet Operation +/- select ON               PKT will appear in top left
46  Select SUB =/- Select SUB Built In TNC.  TNC will appear in top left
47  Select 1200bd using =/-  1200bd or 9600bd (Radio transmission baud rate)
48  Select TNC BAND DCD Sense  using +/-
   49A Select +/- AUTO Packet Cluster Tune)
   49B Select OFF=Beep, Morse, Voice. Packet Cluster Confirmation
Remember to set the FM Wide/Narrow bandwidth as previously detailed above
Press MENU to return control back to transceiver
Press FUNCT then SET PCT

If you are receiving DX Cluster Spots on the receive frequency. You should see the DX Spot frequency and DX stations details appear. Which the Kenwood TS2000 switching to the DX station's frequency.

Trouble shooting!!!
If your TS2000e is not responding to DX Cluster Spots in PCT Mode:-

1) Check you have MON ON set  (Monitor ON Set) and can see DX Cluster Spots

2) That you are on the correct frequency for DXCluster spots
    In the GB7CIP North East Surrey coverage area 432.625MHz 9600baud RF transmissions?

3) To enable these broadcasts connect to GB7CIP-9 node on 432.625MHz 9600bd
   and enter the PCT command to start up the broadcasts.
   Then Log off the Node.
   These will run for up to 59 minutes for each session requested.
   Note: many TS2000e's in PCT mode can monitor this one DX Cluster transmissions.

Configure Paket 6.2 16 Bit DOS Program to run under
Windows 7 Professional XP Mode Virtual PC using a USB/Serial Adapter
to control a Kenwood TS2000e Built-in Terminal Node Controller to run packet radio.

Microsoft XP Mode Virtual Machine
How to add an XP Mode Virtual Machine to Windows 10 (or 8) using Hyper-V Download

In these notes, It has been is assumed that the reader has already installed the
Windows 7 Professional, Virtual Pc and XP Mode Software operating system Software.

G4APL had the challenge to configure the Serial Port under XP Mode.
once you know how to do it. It is easy, though it took many hours to solve.
Hence writing these notes up.

1) connect the USB/Serial adaptor to the Kenwood TS2000e COM port then the PC/Laptop.
G4APL's are connected to a seven port USB hub, that has three
USB/Serial Interfaces..

If you have more than one USB/Serial port, ensure you know with one is connected to the Kenwood TS2000e.

2) Under Windows 7 Professional go to Device Manager
    Select Windows Key/Pause
    --> Select Device Manager
         Ports Com
In G4APL's case you will see something like
prolific USB to Serial Com Port (COM10)

     Select the required USB/Serial adaptor/Right Click/Properties
     Change the port settings to read 9600,8,N,1
     Flow control None

Under the Advance Settings
Select a free COM port e.g. COM10

Select <OK> to close this window

3) Now Start up the Windows Virtual Machine
    All Programs/ Windows Virtual PC

    Select highlight Windows XP Mode
    Select Settings at the top of the screen
    Left hand panel select COM2
    Right Hand Panel Select COM10 (using the example above
    Select <OK> to close this screen.

Now load up Windows XP mode then install the Paket 6.2 software, if you have not already done this.

Installing Paket 6.2 Packet Radio software to control the Kenwood TS2000e Inbuilt TNC.
extract in to Directory C:\PAKET62
and install in to C:\PAKET

Log in to the XP Mode Windows Virtual PC

One you have installed the software in to C:\PaKet directory.
you will need to create a short cut on the Desktop

General PaKet62
Program Paket62
cmd C:\PaKet\PaKet.EXT
Work Dir C:\PaKet
Untick Close on exit (while you are testing to see the errors)

Change Icon C:\Paket\Paket.ico

Compatibility Run Program Compatibility Mode Win98/Me
Select 256 Colours
Disable Visual Themes

Select the Misc Tab
Untick Allow Screen Saver
Background Untick Always Suspend

Double Click the shortcut that you have just created
Peket program will load and error not able to find the COM port.
Select Ignore I

Press ALT/Z to enter configuration mode

Select and change the Serial Port settings <Enter>
to read COM Port 2
Baud Rate 9600
Parity None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Handshaking S (Software)
DCD on when Connected N
TNC cmd: exit Ctrl-C
Cmd to Initialise TNC Reset

then press <ESC>
<ALT/X> to close the program

Select the PaKet shortcut again
hopefully the program will start up and you should see
serial communication with the Kenwood TS2000e TNC.

How to Configure PaKet 6.2 to run under Ubuntu DosBox
G4APL's UPDATED NOTES JULY 2022 How to Configure PaKet62 to run under Ubuntu Windows_DosBox
Use CAPITALS for DOS directory NAMES

The next challenge G4APL was given
Was to run a 16bit DOS program PaKet 6.2 under Ubuntu
to drive a USB/Serial communication adaptor connected
the a Kenwood TS2000e. (or any TNC)
Note Other Hardware TNC (TINY2) Intermal Links software  are set to
1200bd 7bit E(ven) 1 Stop bit default.. Instead of 9600bd

1)    It is assumed the reader has installed Ubuntu (Linux)
and the DOSBOX DOS emulator.

It is also assumed 'you' the user has the username bob as far as this
document is concerned.

In your home user area (/home/bob
create the following directory DOSPROGS
so that you have

2)    Confirm the PaKet Zip filename and substitute in the following
ftp (file transfer from your favourite website and store in
in /home/bob/PAKETZIP

e.g. to move the file downloaded into /media
in terminal
sudo cp /media/ /home/bob/DOSPROGS/PAKETZIP/.
sudo chown bob:bob /home/bob/DOSPROGS/PAKETZIP/
sudo chmod 744 /home/bob/DOSPROGS/PAKETZIP/
ls -l (should list rwx r..

3)    Next connect up your USB/SERIAL Connector to the PC USB port
and connect to your Kenwood TS2000e data port or TNC

Now we need to learn about USB Com port and DOSBOX

4)    Type sudo ll /dev/ttyUSB* and note the device (ii Lower case LL)
corresponding to your serial adaptor
in my case it was /dev/ttyUSB0 unless you have multiple such adaptor.

5)    Type sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0 (assuming ttyUSB0 is your device.

6)   Edit the DOSBOX configuration file by typing
gedit /home/bob/.dosbox/dosbox*.conf  (note the period in /.dosbox)

7)    Find the [serial] portion of dosbox*conf in gedit, and modify the
serial1=dummy to be
serial1=directserial realport:ttyUSB0
then select SAVE

If you are using a legacy D9 D25 Com port
com1 is /dev/ttyS0   (serial1)
com2    /dev/ttyS1   (serial2)

8)    Now go and Start DOSBOX
select the DOSBOX ICON on the left side of the screen

DOSBOX will open up it's screen
type INTRO for the Introduction

type mount C /home/bob/DOSPROGS

9)    Type the following commands
DIR /P to view the contents of the directory in page mode
Select F10
Select F10
Select F10
1 (full installation)
Press any key
Select require TNC - For Kenwood TS2000e Standard TAPR TNC etc Press ENETR
C:\PAKET\PAKET.EXE Make Directory Select Y
I can't find C:\PAKETZIP\PaKeT.PIF Press ANY KEY

(Note in this example we are going to use COM2)
We need to setup some Parameters to get started
Select and press ENTER to change Values
BAUD RATE 9600 (rate of the serial port of the Kenwood TS2000e or TNC
Press ESC

Press ANY KEY to continue
Enter your Callsign
please Enter your Serial Number Press ENTER

10)    To Run Program
CD to PAKET directory

You should get the cmd: prompt back from the Kenwood TS2000e TNC or TNC

In DOSBOX to access PAKET62
Configuration you use the Right ALT key
ALT/A toggle Alert
ALT/Z access configuration
ALT/X exit Packet and return to 'DOS'
ALT/Enter Select Full Screen - Toggle

11)    Hope the above is useful to you.
Another G4APL EUREKA Moment.

Please advise corrections omissions
as all this was noted as G4APL worked out
how to get this working

12)    Modify DOXBOX to Mount C Drive
Following the above example you can get the system to Mount the C drive automatically
in terminal
Edit the DOSBOX configuration file by typing
gedit /home/bob/.dosbox/dosbox*.conf (note the period in /.dosbox)

Find the [autoexec] portion of dosbox*conf in gedit at the end of the file,
and add

then save the file.
When you restart DOSBOX
the DOS Emulation will be in the C:\ drive

How to Configure PaKet 6.2 to run under Windows 8.1 DosBox
Paul G4APL was asked to assist in configuring PaKet 6.2 16 Bit Dos Program running
Windows 8.1 laptop.
Note: this also works for Windows 7home G7OBF
G0KZT now confirmed using the same instructions PaKet62 now running on Windows 10 laptop. (October 2015)

Use CAPITALS for DOS directory NAMES

G0KZT Win10<>G4APL Win7pro had a good Paket62 QSO on 432.625MHz 9600bd GB7CIP port u432 GB7CIP-7
between our two Kenwood TS2000e's (October 2015) and 439.950MHz 15 January 2016)

Basically the procedure is very similar to UBUNTU DosBox detailed above.
Follow the UBUNTU installation as a guide to the installation

1) Install the Windows 8.1 DosBox Version.
Under your username directory create two directories
Or you could create the following two directories
Connect up your USB/Serial Port Adaptor
Download and place this file in PAKETZIP directory
UNzip the content in to this PAKETZIP directory

2) Determine the Real comport in use
Under Windows 8.1 go to Device Manager
Select Windows Key/Pause
--> Select Device Manager
Ports Com
in G4APL's case you will see something like
prolific USB to Serial Com Port (COM3)

Select the required USB/Serial adaptor/Right Click/Properties
Change the port settings to read 9600,8,N,1  (Default Tiny2 hardware setting 1200bd 7E1)
Flow control None

Under the Advance Settings
Select a free COM port e.g. COM3 (Reminder PaKet can only use COM1,2,3 or 4)

Select <OK> to close this window

3) Edit with notepad the DosBox Option configuration file
C:\Program File(x86)\DosBox\Options

Find the [serial] portion of dosbox*conf in notepad, and modify the
seril1=dummy to be
serial2=directserial realport:COM3
then select SAVE

Another Example
DosBox using a serialport
# serial1-4 -- set type of device connected to com port.
# Can be disabled, dummy, modem, nullmodem, directserial.
# for directserial: realport (required), rxdelay (optional).
serial1=directserial realport:com1
serial3=directserial realport:com34

4) Now go and Start DOSBOX
select the DOSBOX ICON on your Desktop

DOSBOX will open up it's screen
type INTRO for the Introduction

type mount C C:\Users\YouUsername\DOSPROGS
Or you could enter to match the alternative directories suggested in 1 above
type mount C C:\DOSPROGS

5) Type the following commands
DIR /P to view the contents of the directory in page mode
Select F10
Select F10
Select F10
1 (full installation)
Press any key
Select require TNC - For Kenwood TS2000e Standard TAPR TNC etc Press ENETR
C:\PAKET\PAKET.EXE Make Directory Select Y
I can't find C:\PAKETZIP\PaKeT.PIF Press ANY KEY

We need to setup some Parameters to get started
Select and press ENTER to change Values
BAUD RATE 9600 (rate of the serial port of the Kenwood TS2000e or TNC
Press ESC

Press ANY KEY to continue
Enter your Callsign
please Enter your Serial Number Press ENTER

6) To Run Program
CD to PAKET directory

You should get the cmd: prompt back from the Kenwood TS2000e TNC or TNC

7) Modify DOXBOX to Mount C Drive
Following the above example you can get the system to Mount the C drive automatically
in terminal
Edit the DOSBOX configuration option file as detailed above (3)

Find the [autoexec] portion of dosbox*conf in notepad at the end of the file,
and add

MOUNT C /Users/YourUserName/DOSPROGS
then save the file.
When you restart DOSBOX
the DOS Emulation will be in the C:\PAKET Directory

Type PAKET to start the Paket program


8) Modify tailor the C:\PAKET\ Directory Structure
by creating the following Directories
and modifying the PAKET.CFG files

For example g4apl uses the following directory stucutures
TEXTDDIR=C: \PAKET\TEXT\RECV\   (received text files downloaded)
BINDDIR=C: \PAKET\BIN\RECV   (received binery files downloaded)
LOGDIR=C: \PAKET\LOG   (log files)
SCRIPTDIR=C: \PAKET\SCRIPT   (prepared tailored connect scripts)
TNCFILE=C: \PAKET\TNC2.HLP  (tnc help files_
EDITOR=C: \RPED  (simple editor or use EDIT)

DOSBOX also runs on top of MAC OSX, Vista and Windows 7/8.1

## reviewed 25.6.2024

Further reading

If you have read down to here and have got your system set-up for Packet Radio and made your first connection. 
Paul has put a copy of his PaKet Configuration files, autoexec.scp and a connect script
via this link PaKet62 Configuration files.

Hope the above is of use and you experimenting with Amateur Packet Radio data mode using AX25 de Paul G4APL SysOP GB7CIP