
GB7CIP Amateur Radio International Gateway.

Mail forwarding over AX25, NetRom, IP and SMTP  via HF PACTOR over
Amateur Radio Short Wave bands, VHF, UHF, amprnet wireless and internet links.

G4APL MaintainedUK AX25 BBS Listings 
G4APL MaintainedGB7CIP Forwarding (pdf)

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QRZ callsign lookup:

CatRad Amateur Packet Radio Network

GB7CR    Licenced from 31.3.1990 to 5.3.2015
GB7CIP   Licenced from 29.1.1995 to (still operational)
MB7NCR Licenced from  6.3.2015 (replacing GB7CR which is reassigned to Voice Repeaters)

GB7HW -4 -7 -9 Closed down 5 June 2001 due to lost of site.
GB7CP CATHAM CATB22 Closed down on the 8th November 2014.

Bryan G0SYR supported and ran these for 25 years providing Network access points to the
GB7CIP (Caterham IP) GB7CR (CatRad) Nodes and routers. For our 2 Metre RF users.

In the past Bryan has provided the southerly 70cm links to Hastings and the South
Coast, as well as excellent coverage from his 2 Metre node.

The CatRad Nodes/Routers/Host 5 of them are for the use of all Licensed Radio Amateurs who hold a current licence issued by the Radio Communications Authorities in their local country. Ofcom in the UK.

Since 2000,  we have lost nearly all our  VHF/UHF Radio link partners. Due to the remote end partners circumstances changing.
i.e. House moves, becoming Silent Keys (SK). Lost of interest due to no local activity in their area.

As result of this, during 2014, the number of interfaces at GB7CIP/GB7CR have now dropped to 6 of the 8 ports currently active.  Including the HF PACTOR ports.

These Nodes, Routers have been privately run by G0SYR and G4APL since 1987 for the benefit of ALL Radio Amateur Packet operators/users.  These Nodes/Routers interfaces are configured to handle AX25 and amprnet TCP/IP connections and routing to and from the rest of the world.

GB7CIP host serves the local East Surrey and London Home counties area:-
Licensed Radio Amateur's out side these areas are welcome to use these facilities.

Woldingham, Warlingham, Caterham, Kenley, Sanderstead, Purley, Coulsdon, Chaldon, Tatsfield)

Communicate over Amateur Packet Radio using AX25 and TCPIP

If you have an IBM PC Clone, Raspberry Pi, with a suitable TNC(terminal Node Controller)
Soundcard Interface and software emulation program to run packet and pactor.

a copy of a TCPIP xNOS program, SV2AGW, MixW, XRouter suite of programs.
Using a small vertical beam pointing towards Caterham North East Surrey.
ou can gain access to the network via
2M 144.9375MHz 1200bd, 70cm 432.675MHz 1200bd 433.625MHz 1200bd,

and a Horizontal beam for the following
432.625MHz 9600bd
or 439.950MHz 9600bd .

You can download a version of the program from the JNOS, SV2AGW or the new TCP Over AX25 software from the  GB7CIP AX25 BBS DOS TCPIP area  to get you started. JNOS Version 2 can be found online using your favourite search engine

Further information is available via the AX25 BBS GB7CIP. Enter TCPIP
at the BBS prompt and follow the instructions.

Access to the rest of the world is available from (GB7CIP-5) via the TCPIP amprnet network.

South of the North Downs East Surrey is served by  TCPIP hubs (None)

User access at 1200bd vertical signals using PacCom Tiny2 TNC's is available from:-
144.9375 MHz  MB7NCR-2  
432.675   MHz  GB7CIP-7
433.625   MHz  GB7CIP-8 beaming North User and Node links

9600bd on horizontal  18 element beaming WNW approx across London towards South Buckinghamshire
432.625   MHz  GB7CIP-9   Using PacCom Tiny2 +NB96 9600bd Inteface boards RUH compatible
439.950   MHz  GB7CIP-10 Using PacCom Tiny2 +NB96 9600bd Inteface boards RUH compatible

 If you can hear either of these nodes well.
A direct connect to the above callsigns will connect you to the CatRad Caterham Node.

These nodes/Routers have been running since 1988/89.

From December 1998 we will be testing out our 19k2bd equipment on 70cm 439/430MHz.
Initial results are very promising between GB7CIP<>GB7CP sites.(19200bd link closed down 2012)
Reviewed 27.12.2023