
GB7CIP Amateur Radio International Gateway.

Mail forwarding over AX25, NetRom, IP and SMTP  via HF PACTOR over
Amateur Radio Short Wave bands, VHF, UHF, amprnet wireless and internet links.

G4APL MaintainedUK AX25 BBS Listings 
G4APL MaintainedGB7CIP Forwarding (pdf)

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QRZ callsign lookup:

DXCC List and Beam Headings

In the early 1980's G4APL use to have a computer program that ran under the DOS (Disk Operating System) which generated tailored Amateur Radio DXCC Countries List and Beam Headings.

Using this information and that produced by the SOLAR radio propagation forecasts for DX ZONE 14 G4APL is able to determine the path the radio signal was travelling between Caterham and the other part of the world.

G4APL has located the following web site links that has generated the missing information.  With examples generated for G4APL.

To display the World Map with beam heading centered on the Caterham area select the link.
To generate your own tailored Amateur Radio Map select the link

G4APL's Location DXCC and beam headings
You can generate your own DXCC List by visiting the North Jersey DX Association web site.

You will need to provide some information
i.e. Your longitude and latitude.

for QTH LOCATOR IO91WH  (This information via the GB7CIP FBB BBS QRA Locator to Lat/Lon Server)
Geographical coordinates in the Centre of the square :
Longitude : 0 degrees 08' West : 0.1 gr West
Latitude : 51 degrees 19' North : 57.0 gr North

Parameters to enter into Latitude 51.19N  51.19
Longitude 0.08W                                    0.08

Select Generate List
The generated list can be printed or be copied from the screen (CRTL/A) and pasted into your favourite spreadsheet for future reference.