
GB7CIP Amateur Radio International Gateway.

Mail forwarding over AX25, NetRom, IP and SMTP  via HF PACTOR over
Amateur Radio Short Wave bands, VHF, UHF, amprnet wireless and internet links.

G0SYR MaintainedUK AX25 BBS Listings 
G4APL MaintainedGB7CIP Forwarding (pdf)

Adobe Reader icon

QRZ callsign lookup:


or those that want to start, learn, experiment about AMPRNet, Internet networking and TCP/IP services.

This Internet Network access was upgraded to run over Fibre Cable instead of overhead wires (6th) December 2024.
Static IP address did not change. Though being suppled with the ISP Locked down  Router/Firewall and bells N Whistles.
This is another Firewall and Subnet infront of the main Skywaves Internet/Amprnet Firewalled Networks.
Recommend that you use the hostname in your agreed INTERNET UDP GB7CIP tunnel link Configurations..

Issues accessing these systems services currently being investigated since ISP's network changes on  6 December 2024

SysOP's BRAIN OVERLOADED!! Resolving issues with all the Network components.
(Unless you know better - please advise G4APL)

PS 6.3.2024  ISP has advised the SysOP of this system, that a NEW /29 Static subnet will be assigned
to this system, replacing the original /29 subnet. Awaiting further details.

What is the  AMPRNet? I hear you cry!

Linked documents are in Adobe PDF format.  Click to download and read.
Documents not linked here can be found on GB7CIP

Real Time Amateur Radio.  If you have a valid Amateur Radio Licence.
You could use XCHAT to connect to the Real Time Converse server attached to this amprnet System. 
Need to liaise with the Sysop first.

Background reading Why_TCP/IP    Background reading

Communications Protocols   Background reading

Intro to NOS Network Operating System  by John Ackermann, AG9V 1992 Background reading

NOSintro – TCP/IP over Packet Radio

An Introduction to the KA9Q Network Operating System
Ian G3NRW has made the content of his book available
via his Website
The above site no longer working Mark as QRT RP
The following alternative site works NOSintro-TCP/IP over Packet Radio
G4APL has
two copies of Ian's book on his bookshelf. First Edition 1992.

Networking Without Wires Radio Based TCPIP by John Ackermann, N8UR 1999 Background reading

ftp Tutor Background reading
UK IP addressing scheme Background reading (used before year 2000 before the network fell apart)

Chris G8XXM has kindly supplied the following notes to assist those
that require a Linux Client to access the many linux Nodes in operation.
Including the host gb7cip run by Paul G4APL.


This guide will allow you to connect (as a client), to the AMPR (
network from 'any' Linux box. From there you can connect to any BBS,
ftp or CONVerse Server.
Credit to KB9MWR, I just hacked his script.

It has been tested on Raspberry Pi (raspian),
and Debian 10, but should work on Redhat/Suse even a 'live' USB Linux.

This guide has been written using Debian (apt-get) but you should be able to work it out for other
Linux flavours using (Yum/dpkg/rpm/etc).

It will NOT work on Apple Mac or Windows PC as they do not (by default),
support IPIP (protocol 4 ipencap).

You can run the script as root (or sudo su) as it is not running any servers/services that are
exposed to the Internet.
You do NOT need to open any network ports or do any port forwarding on your ISP provided router. :)

Select the following link XXMCLIENT to download the file.

AMateur Radio Convers World NETwork
HexChat Windows10App,  WIn7 32bit and Win7 64bit
Application to access the Amateur Radio Convers Network (Chat Server) at
GB7CIP HexChat instructions

XCHAT IRC Convers Client Setup  (Windows 9x NT XPHome/Pro, Win7, Win10, Linux) Linux and Windows Client application to access the IRC (Chat Server at
Note: The configuration also applies to the Linux Xchat versions

colrconv is another nice split screen Linux convers client (apt-get install colrconv)
another one that a 'gb7cip User' has used to connect to the WWC network at gb7cip WeeChat Website
IRSSI  Text IRC Client to run in a linux terminal screen. You need to manually write a configuration file in your linux home user account.

TCP/IP and explanation by G1SOG

Example configuration for
WINFBB 7.00E 32 bits setup for AGWPE, Soundcard and Telnet
by Jose Maria CX2SA

FBB Packet-radio BBS mini-HOWTO by Miroslav "Misko" Skoric YT7MPB

Raspberry Pi
A lot of Radio Amateurs around the world are using the Raspberry Pi as their computer.

To Run
Linux networking applications and supporting services on the amprnet.

Below is a link to F6BVP Bernard's web site and his current
FPAC build.
Mainly used by the FrenchPacketNetwork.
At least give you a good staring point.

He has prepared an image containing the required networking
applications that just need configuring

Another Radio Amateur Charley K4GBB has done some good work
  (link no longer working)

N1URO Raspberry Pi Linux AX25 TCPIP NetRom build Image, please
refer to section  'e' further down this page. Used by USA and UK as well
as in other parts of the world. Based the Official ax25 tcpip code..
Please note Brian N1URO became a Silent Key 4.1.2022 RIP My Friend.

G4APL has used
a selection of this information from both these Radio Amateur's to create his experimental
APpLe and Raspberry Pi
(256MB Memory) node APLRPI back in 2012
and with the Raspberry Pi (1GB Memory) version 2  and 3 Model B nodes APLPIE 2016

LinPac Packet Radio Terminal
G4APL LinPac Notes experience using LinPac by David Ranch KI6ZHD
, OK2JBG and their support team.

Mozilla's Thunderbird
Open source cross-platform email and Usenet client based on Mozilla code. Features intelligent spam filters, built-in RSS reader, and quick search.

Use Mozilla's Thunderbird to access your FBB SP Mail and Bulletins
Note: You need to have manually created your LinFBB user account first and completed all fields.

You can now use Thunderbird(mail/news) to connect to the GB7CIP LinFBB 7.0.11 server via the Internet or amprnet.
Additional step by step draft notes as a result of a Windows 10 installation 'experience'
GB7CIP now has a user using a Mobile Phone (AndroidOS) using K-9 Mail to read and send
(SP AX25 Mail) mail.

The firewalls have now been configured so you can use the pop3(port 6110)/smtp(port 6025)
 to read
and send your
  SP(email) to and from the GB7CIP LinFBB server.
  also AX25 Bulletins (nntp newsgroups)

Address the SP mail address as you would do. i.e.
when using a standard AX25 Client. CALLSIGN@BBSCALL.#Area.COUNTRY.CONTINENT
You can also use Reply to messages and bulletins received.

For a bulletins, again address as you would do as when using an AX25 Client. e.g.

Remember your LinFBB SysOp needs to enable Telnet access on your LinFBB User account.
YOU! need to disable paging if you have it enabled.  Using the OP command.

All message
s need to be plain text by default

To configure SMTP and POP3
Account details
Your name:              First name or your Callsign
Your Email address  YOUR_CALLSIGN@GB7CIP.#32.GBR.EURO

View Settings for this account
Select Composition and Addressing
Make sure that Compose message in HTML format is UNTICKED
as you want all packet messages in Plain Text.
then select OK to save the change.

POP Server details
        Hostname     ipaddress of  amprnet or public hostname
        Port              6110
        Username     YOUR_CALLSIGN  (in capitals)
        Password      The password that you use when accessing GB7CIP
        SSL/TLS        none

SMTP Server details
        Hostname     ipaddress of amprnet or public hostname
        Port              6025
        Authentication Password transmitted insecurely
        Password      The password that you use when accessing GB7CIP

Also you can setup the Thunderbird NNTP(
port 6119) newsgroup client up to download read/send the Bulletins.

NNTP Server details
         Server name GB7CIP
         Server           ipaddress of amprnet or public hostname
         Port              6119
         Security Setting none

Use Mozilla's Thunderbird CHAT interface to access GB7CIP IRC Convers Server

If you have a STATIC IP address or hostname that g4apl can lock into a config file.
Then you can also use the Thunderbird IRC Chat client to access gb7cip's WorldWide Convers server.

Following on from configuring your SP Mail and Bulletin upload and download as detailed above.
Now within the Account Section
Create a New Account
Select  Chat
Select  IRC <NEXT>
Username            enter your Amateur Radio Licence Callsign
Password                     leave this field blank at this time <NEXT>
Alias                    enter your Amateur Radio Callsign
Open IRC Options
Port                     6667
untick                  use SSL <NEXT>

View Setting for this account
From the Left Hand panel Select the IRC account just created <OK>

Select Chat at the top of the screen (between the Write and Address Book)
Select Join Chat

Note: GB7CIP uses channel 11 as it's main chat(convers) Channel
Channel            11

In the Left hand panel select #11
You should see a list of Participants in the Right hand panel>

At the bottom of the screen in the 'enter' panel. Type /HELP for a list of the current command that are available in the Thunderbird IRC Client.

The command /List displays the active channels.
Highlight the #11 (channel) in the left hand panel,
Right click  select Close Conversation
I hope that these instructions work ok
73 de Paul G4APL 28.12.2016 updated 6.4.2024

Claws Mail
A GB7CIP user has used Claws Mail to access GB7CIP to send and Receive SP message. Using the previous configuration Thunderbird details documented above.
Feedback from another user, confirming that he has also got Claws Mail working on his own.
Claws configuration guide kindly provided by G8XXM

XARPM (X Amateur Radio Packet Mailer) graphical packet radio mail reader and terminal program Linux Client by Ian G6VEY. Last version 1.3.0/1.3.1.
Ian is currently upgrading this application to run under Windows XP-Win10, Linux, MAC (February 2018)
G4APL has found and  installed 1.2.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
To use with GB7CIP
Remember to set your
BBS account to eXpert Mode (X)
Disable paging (OP)
Set home BBS to GB7CIP (NH GB7CIP)
Xarpm Main Set-up/BBS Prompt (CIP >)
Xarpm Main Set-up/Line Format to use with GB7CIP (GB7FCR Format from predefined list)

G6VEY  WWC IRC Convers client currently being upgraded to run under Windows XP-Win10, Linux, MAC (February 2018)

TNC2PPP eprom info for TNC2+WIN95/98  (3Kbytes)  enter TNC2PPP at bbs prompt(g4apl has this working on win98pc driving a BSX2 TNC)

The simplest version to get going if you have a TNC2 clone
(e.g. Tiny2, TNC200, BSX2)  or Baycom, in JNOS running under DOS or a DOS window. 
Though we only have experience of using TNC2's.

  You can always do your own thing afterwards, once you have got going and gained some experience.
a) TCPIP Over AX25
Paul found that he could set-up this system up and working in 30 minutes using an Ethernet Virtual Driver and an Ax25inet interface to drive a TNC2 in KISS mode. Allowing all the windows IP enable programs to access the local TCPIP GB7CIP server over 1200bd or 9600bd radio Interfaces 
TCPIP over AX25 document
(Links referred to in this document are no longer active)

Using your windows system soundcard to generate the tones and  drive your transceiver. (or AGW drive the TNC in KISS mode)

c) Windows
Setup your Win3.11, win95/98,2000,XP PC to route via the jnos PC over the  Ethernet connection between the jnos and windows machines.
  Windows 10,11
UZ7HO SOUNDMODEM EASYTERM AX25 Over FM 2metres or 70cm 1200bd
IP amprnet access to GB7CIP Networks Node, Convers  and BBS.
IP over AX25 Radio network and routing.
Reminder! Modern radios may have slow RX/TX change overs compared to the old radios. . So you will need to experiment and adjust the :-
TXTail and TXDelay values. TXTail 10 (x10msecs)
TXDelay Suggest start at 42(x10 420msec) and test down to 30(x10 300msec) Until you fail to get a two way communication with GB7CIP VHF UHF radios.
The above applies to all software modems and hardware TNC/Data Controllers.



Reported to work well on TCP/IP using windows sound card. Win98, ME, 2000, XP.
g4apl has had no experience of this software.  Other than spoken to a station nr Bristol via the amprnet ip network who is very please with the system.  MixW Web Site

G4APL has MIXW driving the Kenwood THD7e and TS2000e direct AX25 Mode 1200bd and 9600bd RF successfully. Does not have the TCP IP over AX25 wrapper installed.
e) URONode (Popular with the USA and UK and elsewhere in the world)
Note: Brian N1URO became a Silent Key 4.1.2022. RIP MY Friend de Paul G4APL

URONode is a friendly User frontend that sits on top of the Linux ax25 tools, utils, apps and IP networking software which gb7cip uses on a very busy hard disk based system, instead of LinuxNode(which had security issues).
It supports cross-port digipeating, automatic routing, various IP functions, and ANSI colours.
There is also a Raspberry Pi image distribution that take ten minutes to configure and
get up and running. Once the image is on a SD memory card and plugged into the
Raspberry Pi. Note G4APL only Uses AX25 NetRom TCPIP (not FLexnet or ROSE) for the UK Network.

G4APL Linux build is referred to in the DataOverAmateurRadioNetworks web page

f) XRouter
Use Paula's (g8pzt) XROUTER on a scrap Dos PC connected to your Windows PC over the Ethernet.  (Quite easy to setup once you have read the manual, PC min specification 386 640KB ram, small hard disk,  serial ports, TNC, Ethernet card)  or run XROUTER on it's own.  Then use the standard Windows supplied internet programs  Web Browser e.g. via radio web server Telnet, FTP, Outlook or Outlook Express for pop3(mail) and nntp (Bulletins) network games over TCP/IP etc. and any other program that uses TCP/IP

There is also a  XRouter version for the RPI Raspberry Pi, that runs on top of a linux ax25 tcpip build as another network. Using the the main linux host as it's gateway. (Tested by G4APL in early 2019)

These are the notes extracted from the article written by G4HIP.
A little screed on getting an NNTP server working with NOS. While intended for those using TNOS developed by Brian Lantz, it may be of help to other NOS users as well."
Can be article found on the attached link G4HIP NNTP for VIRGINS

h) Microsoft Outlook Express
If you use Microsoft Outlook to post NNTP (news articles, equivalent to ax25 bulletins) on the TCP/IP AMateur Radio Packet NETwork. server               
For some tips re Distribution: field values (uk, europe, world, ampr, amsat)

NNTP Latest list of UKIP Newsgroups
xfbb<>nntp gateway feed to
GB7CIP was requested by London Regional IP Coordinator to provide nntp service and feed for London and home counties 12 August 1997
double click to download
the current newsgroups NNTPGROUPS
(If using Internet Explorer (IE) you may need to right click on NNTPGROUPS and select " save target as" to save as file)
Latest UKIP NNTP gateway.txt file use by UK NNTP Gateway Hubs. updated and maintained by g4apl
 Please enter        OUTLOOK    for tips of how to add these entries

Note:  very few use the original Usenet nntp services these days,

i) NNTP EMAIL Dialog
Another Email, NNTP Newsreader that you may like to experiment with is Dialog from  40tude Web site.
We have run it under Windows XPpro and Win 98 successfully sending and receiving Email and News Articles from gb7cip.  It is very configurable and could replace Outlook.

j) MAILGW Modified by G4HIP assisted Paul  G4APL to fix major bugs back in 1998/1999. This gateway system has been operational since 1999.
This is a Linux suite of applications that are used with INN and SENDMAIL at GB7CIP.
Now working with INN2 and current version of  Sendmail 8.14.4-4.1 
Very Complicated to configure - This configuration is  Not Supported.

Here are the latest map files based on the gateway.txt file. 
It is assumed that you have a fully working MAILGW AX25<>TCPIP gateway using the following files.

MAILGW 0.3.1 G4HIP Patches. refer to G4HIP Web site

k) JNOS (UKNOS Suite) MSDOS Revisited by G4APL as another "request" 'challenge'  to get this running under WinXPpro and Win7Pro(Windows Virtual Server+Windows-XP-Mode)
Driving the Internal TNC  in his Kenwood THD7e(tnc) and TS2000e(tnc) Sub Receiver (Succeeded) 18.3.2018
Using programs complied in the late 1990's, Early 2000's.
example of the resulting autoexec.nos config file updated 18.3.2018
Also available for download from AX25 GB7CIP xfbb BBS Server using 7plus 7PSERV command.

G4APL has MSDOS JNOS(UKNOS) running on WinXPpro,
Win7Pro+Msoft Virtual Server+XP_Mode_server driving a
Kenwood THD7e (TS2000e, TMD710) in KISS Mode and RF at 1200baud
or 9600baud 144, 432, 433, 439MHz. 
Found that the following setting of tcp mss 196 was required, instead of 216
for the Kenwood TASCO RADIO MODEMS.
On exit the Internal TNC's are reset back to defaults and available to be
driven by DOS program Paket62 in standard AX25 Packet Mode.
Jnos commands Manual (1994) in pdf format
e.g. GB7CP                                         enter SMTPFIX at bbs prompt)

m) JNOS program function Keys   
1)     The version that the Caterham SysOp's suggest you use is a self installing package called  (1.39Mbytes)
Old no longer supported- noted here for history.

2)   YAPP from gb7cip  directory  yapp/tcpip/nosins2k.zipNote: The XFBB Server here does it's housekeeping at 02:00 hours and restarts
3)   7PLUS   connect to GB7CIP(CIPBBS)  then issue the command  7pserv yapp/tcpip/
 this will send you 70+ files of 15 Kilobytes each.

The latest releases can be found on Maiko's ve4klm Website
Linux Primary platform
DOS version can be run on Windows and OS2 (Expect that it can be run in DOSBOX on other platforms)
WIN32 and Mac OS.X

JNOS2 WIN32 (Native Windows) version
by Maiko ve4klm
Connect over the Amprnet AMateurPacketRadioNETwork using a sound Card and Multipsk
For more details can be found on Maiko's Website
I have not tested this de g4apl

  You will need to identify your local TCP/IP server and frequency that you will use to access your local hub(Server) and the rest of the TCP/IP network
In the UK check out
9600bd 432.625MHz, 439.950MHz, 
1200bd 433.625MHz, 144.925MHz, 144.9375MHz
o IP OVER AX25 Using Windows PC and Soundcard
Wanted a simple description on how to install soundcard driver to support IP over AX25 for use at 1200bd and or 9600bd on 144.9375 432.675. (432.625(9600bd) (439.950(9600))
Needs to be simple step by step guide, for non technical computer users to install and get up and running on their system to drive their FM VHF/UHF Radio

GB7CIP Getting started
You are most welcome to use if you can access one of our frequencies direct. (makes our life easier as we can assist in helping you getting it going if you use the suggested software and a TNC or a Kenwood Radio with the built in TASCO RADIO MODEM TNC). 

Connect to gb7cip-5 uronode friendly front-end user interface via NetRom, or via one of the ax25 uplink aliases CRNODE or CATHAM and enter info and INTerfaces for details.
Once you have the software and keen to get up and running, you will require an amprnet TCP/IP address to be allocated to you. Information required (please send to g4apl)
Did you previously hold, currently hold another callsign, or been allocated a 44.amprnet IP address previously if you can remember it.  No problem if not.
Please advise all the UK callsigns you have held.
    e.g. Foundation, Intermediate, A/B, A, B Licence. QTH   (TCP/IP addresses are issued based on where you live Also there are generic area alloctions at the bottom of the lists being encouraged)
     (as explained in UK IP ADDRESSING SCHEME) Local TCP/IP HUB and frequency that you plan to use for your local access point of presence (POP) to the network.
(Just like you use your Internet ISP for access)
Log on to the amprnet portal link listed below.
  Further advice can be gained by chatting live to the support group on the local convers channel 11 Connect to CRGWAY(GB7CIP-5) CRNODE(MB7NCR) or
port 23 or 6301 then enter the command CONV
The TCP/IP co-coordinator will liaise with the respective sysop.

  World amprnet co-ordinator via the amprnet portal.
Register and Login.
Select Networks and 
Then view, list, select, request.  e.g. one or more subnet address(es) #.#.#.#/32  /30 /29
from the UK Generic Area Lists at the bottom.




Software Applications
If you had read this far and want to access via the Internet. The following TCPIP Client applications are useful
PUTTY                     not spilt screen  Free and supports ssh (Secure Shell connections)
How to amend Putty for Telnet
with Echo and Line feed

from Category Left Hand Panel
Select Terminal
in Line discipline options
Local echo Select    Force On
Local line editing      Force On

Select Session
Select Telnet
enter IPaddress and port number
In the Saved Session Empty Box
Enter the Name you want to call this configuration

select SAVE to save this putty telnet configuration

HYPER TERMINAL  Not spilt screen Free with Microsoft windows
DXTelnet                  Split Screen Needs to be licenced
telnet                        Not split screen free with most systems
colrdx                       Split screen Linux dx cluster client runs in a terminal window
Lynx web browser
Text only browser may be useful over slow radio links Lynx
                                  (G4APL Used this to test his in the 1990's) 

TTYLINK                   Nice simple Split Screen TTY Telnet Client by Marcel PA3AZK Free
ideal for  connecting to Amateur Radio Network connected nodes, BBS and chat servers
Also available for download from AX25 GB7CIP xfbb BBS Server using 7plus 7PSERV command.

Telnet Client for DX Cluster by JA3THL for windows XP, WIn7, Win10, Win11
Also a Nice Spilt screen scripted Telnet program
for accessing GB7CIP Node, BBS, Convers servers via the Internet,
amprnet or RS232 interface/TNC via Radio.

JA3THL Website appears to be offline.
(Paul has a copy of the files in his ftp server)

Also available for download from AX25 GB7CIP xfbb BBS Server
using 7plus 7PSERV or YAPP YGET download commands
YAPP downloads confirmed works via Radio using UZ7HO Soundmodem and EASYTERM
over 144.9375MHZ 365Kbyte. Yes took a long time and works by a CatRad member
After following installation instructions.

You can also script the connections using the Function Keys, to Node, BBS, Convers and other remote networks or via serial interfaces.
Refer to the program Enviroment help
Select Connect Tab
Configure Node1and Node2 tabs as detailed below
             Node1                              Node2
Port       6301                                 6300
Remarks GB7CIP Node                  GB7CIP BBS

Replace the IP with if connecting
via your own amprnet system

Android Telnet Clients
TinTin++ Mud client   (split screen) Free

termux and TinTin++ (runs ontop of termux)
Install termux from play store
In termux run:
pkg install tintin++
Then enter
#session gb7cip 6301

tcp telnet terminal pro (spilt screen) Not Free
Blowtorch MUD Client
juicessh client

Internet Services provided by Zen Internet

Look forward to seeing you using the amprnet (AMateur Packet Radio NETwork) TCP/IP network. de Paul G4APL  AX25_BBS g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro
Internet  Email Address image
Also your local TCP/IP co-ordinator and The_Nodal_Lord.
Reviewed 10.12.2024