GB7CIP Amateur Radio International Gateway.
Mail forwarding over AX25, NetRom, IP and SMTP via HF PACTOR over
Amateur Radio Short Wave bands, VHF, UHF, amprnet wireless and
internet links.
G4APL MaintainedUK AX25 BBS Listings
G4APL MaintainedGB7CIP Forwarding (pdf)
KIPG Map & Details
Since the High of the UKIP network activity in 2000.
Most SysOp's listed have lost interest, Moved Home, or become Silent
Keys' over the past ten years.
In 2013 there has been a renewed interest since the arrival of the Raspberry
Pi running Linux operating system.
Maps of known UK links. Kent IP Group 2000: Update Jan 2001
g7jyf no longer look after this map de g4apl November 2002)
If you know better, let me know the differences (in the format below)
Recent Updates
28 Jan 6m port from gb7iph-g1dvu moved to GB7SV-G1DVU
22 Jan gb7iwl added, Internet Linked. (A1)
End of 2000:GB7STU now linked to the AmprNet via cable modem enabling good converse
links to the Kent IP Group network
A1 = Linked to International AmprNet
A2 = Linked to Internet, AmprNet via ( - 24/7
A3 = Linked to Internet, AmprNet via ( - eve & weekends
gb7nlw 120.1
gb7wlr 99.66(A2)
gb7bif 34.77 - gb7mbb 96.129
\ | |
96.100 - gb7crv 96.134 -
gb7fyl 100.176 - gb7fcr 97.130 (A3)
/ \ (A1)
gb7mip 138.1 / g6bob 166.20 (Herts Uni)
\ |
/ gb7idd 163.240 - gb7ihh 166.1 -
g3rkn2 166.2
\ | |
/ gb7imk 160.241 - gb7iwl 151.4(A1)
gb7ind 167.32
\ |
/(A1) gb7itg 161.245
Kingswood Routers |
178.1 & .2 gb7bw 161.242 gb7tvg 159.243 - gb7ipe 159.224
| | /
g8lws-b 178.12 gb7ipd 161.230
gb7new 156.228
| | \ /
ariel.gb7bbc 178.13
gb7khw | gb7iha 223.1 - woodcote rtr 154.127
/ | 162.1 | /
gb7bbc | / |
gb7bvg 242.252
178.10 | / | /
gb7cip 244.1 -
hs2.gb7ipc 161.251 - gb7ipf 161.228
253.160 | \
gb7nhv gb7cr/cp*
gb7sip 244.64
| | 244.x | |
\ / | |
gb7rtw 251.1
248.1 region 249 users
g1dvu(gb7sxe) | | | / |
253.12 \_ _ | |
gb7kn 248.254 -
248.128/9(A1) - gb7gm 249.254
| \ | | | |
gb7ipw 247.64 -------- gb7sv 252.25x - gb7iph 252.128
g7poj 249.82
| |
| | /when attended
gb7flk -
g4imp - region 255 users
247.84 245.97 254.128 254.246
| (off at pres)
g0swy 219.197
gb7alc Cambridge(A1)
gb7ipt 90.1 (A3)
Notes: * gb7cp/cr have been simplified to ease map reading
Those marked in GREEN have closed down